Epoxy Concrete Coating

What is Epoxy Concrete Coating?

For many people, the word concrete brings to mind images of cement mixers, sidewalks, parking lots and other associations with construction sites. While these are all very accurate depictions of concrete, there is a missing dimension here: beauty. Concrete is actually a very versatile building material and while it is known for its strength and functionality, it is also serves many purely aesthetic purposes as well. There are many ways that concrete can be treated in order to achieve different looks, textures and functions. This is why modern builders use it for both structural and finishing purposes. In fact, many of the places you visit daily are probably constructed primarily of concrete and you may not have even noticed it.

Epoxy coatings are good for creating solid color tones on concrete or coating over stains for a finished look. Epoxy coatings also treat and seal the concrete protecting it from moisture. These coatings are highly durable and can be combined with other cement treatments to create a variety of textures which are ideal for different purposes. The sealing and texturing properties make epoxy coatings ideal for treating cement around swimming pools or other surfaces that require traction. Using clear epoxy coatings over concrete that is textured and stained like stone can give the surface a polished rock look.

It is likely that you’ve seen examples of epoxy coatings, but may not have realized what you were looking at. Well done concrete floors can have the look of tile, polished stone, or any other number of things that just don’t look like the flat grey stereotype of concrete. It can be stained and polished to look luxurious, or it can be scored and and textured to look modern. Whatever look you’re going for, there is a way to make concrete the perfect addition to your room.

If you have any questions about epoxy coatings or any other concrete treatments, don’t hesitate to Contact Us. Here at Hard Rock Concrete Coatings, cement isn’t just what we do, it is also our passion. Our experienced design team and application specialists are eager to speak with you!


12489 S Huron Rd Riverton, UT 84096
