The Best Concrete Patio For Your Space

Planning your landscaping is fun, exciting, and full of decisions. One of the more difficult aspects of designing your outdoor space is planning where to put your concrete patio and just how large or small you want it to be. Your patio needs to be just the right size for optimum entertaining and relaxing — …

Indoor vs Outdoor Concrete Sealers

Sealing and waterproofing your concrete floors is important for many reasons. It protects and preserves your concrete floors from wear and tear like abrasions and stains that people, animals, and the elements bring. It also brings out the natural beauty by enhancing color, texture, and adding sheen. Because concrete has made its way indoors over …

Acid Staining Process

If you are looking to spruce up your ordinary concrete floor, you ought to consider acid staining. Acid staining takes a previously boring and plain looking concretely floor or surface and transforms it into a vibrant, personality-filled space. It is a budget-friendly alternative to different types and styles of flooring and is extremely durable (it’s …

Use Concrete To Enhance Your Home’s Curb Appeal

Selling your home or not, good curb appeal makes for a great first impression. Here are simple, low-cost ways to improve your home’s curb appeal using concrete that you, your guests, and potential home-buyers will love. Cement Edging Separate your grass from your flower beds with concrete edging. These custom borders are not just decorative, …

Removing Oil Stains From Concrete

Does your driveway, garage, or other concrete pad have an oil stain? These messes are unsightly and can potentially be hazardous. Whether it happens because of a leaky car or a tipped-over oil canister, it should be addressed right away. Cleaning up the mess sooner rather than later drastically reduces the chance of a permanent …

How To Remove and Prevent Rust Stains on Concrete

Rust is the flaky coating of iron oxide. It is reddish or orangish-brown in color and is the chemical reaction that occurs on iron by oxidation and moisture. If not addressed quickly or properly, it can permanently damage the item and potentially compromise its functionality. It can also cause stains to the item and on …

What You Need to Know About Epoxy Coatings

Whether residential or commercial, many people are choosing to finish their concrete flooring with an epoxy coating. Epoxy coatings are applied to concrete floors to provide a hard-wearing, long-lasting, beautiful surface that can withstand just about whatever. Prepping for Epoxy Coating Before an epoxy coating is added to your concrete floor, you must be sure …

Painting Concrete Floors

Concrete is very durable, sensible, and is very versatile. While the simple gray color may not be for everyone, there are a few things you can do to liven it up, improve and alter it, and add some personality to its otherwise cold feeling. If you’re feeling underwhelmed by your garage’s, basement’s, or patio’s lackluster …

The Best Way To Clean Your Concrete Pool Deck

If you’re a swimming pool owner, you understand the importance of maintaining the pool and surrounding area. Just like with many things, the joy, entertainment, and relaxation that comes with something fun (like a pool), comes great responsibility! Not only are pool owners required to make sure the water is treated, the pumps are maintained …

Best Ways To Remove Rust From Concrete

Whether you have concrete countertops or a concrete driveway, concrete surfaces are often pone to rust stains. The common places you’ll find concrete are often exposed to metal which can lead to rust. Rust stains are often caused by iron. This maybe from the fertilizer that you’re using. Plant foods and fertilizers contain metals and …