Does Salt Damage Concrete Driveways?

In Salt Lake City, winter conditions often require liberal use of road salt to keep driveways and pathways clear of ice. However, frequent salt application can harm your concrete driveway, causing it to weaken, crack, and deteriorate prematurely. Salt penetrates the porous surface of concrete, leading to internal damage that becomes visible as pitting, flaking, …

Is It Cheaper To Polished Concrete Or Tiles?

Tiles are cheaper per square foot than polished concrete. But polished concrete is easier to maintain and more durable long-term, which makes polished concrete a better value overall. Polished concrete can be polished to a satin, low gloss, or high-gloss finish depending on your desired look. This type of flooring varies greatly in appearance, depending …

Is Concrete A Good Kitchen Countertop?

Today concrete countertops are gaining popularity not only as a flooring material but also as a kitchen countertop. Concrete is perfect for kitchen countertops because of its durable and strong characteristics combined with the ability to be poured into any shape or texture desired. Concrete countertops are perfect for busy families because they are so …

The Most Common Types of Concrete Damage

Concrete is an easy go-to flooring option for any home or business. But you might wonder what to do about concrete damage. Sure, concrete is long-lasting and easily customized, but you’re going to see some aging in your concrete that will need to be addressed over time. So what kinds of things do you need …

How Do You Make Homemade Concrete?

If you’re looking to get crafty this winter, homemade concrete offers plenty of possibilities for DIY fun.  Whether you want to make something more functional, like pavers, or strictly decorative, like a concrete vase, you are limited only by your imagination. First you’ll need some concrete, though, so read on for instructions on how to …

Boring Concrete? How Adding a Concrete Coating Can Make It Fun!

The best way to step up your drab concrete game is by adding a concrete coating—the professional way, of course.  If you have a space that needs a level up, choose from a variety of coatings to bring some spice back into your space. Concrete Epoxy Coatings At their base function, Epoxy coatings are designed …

3 Ways to Maintain Your Concrete Driveway this Winter

The winter is here in Utah, bringing snow, slush, and ice, and for your concrete driveway, that can add up to be a bad combination. Here are 3 ways to maintain your concrete driveway this winter so that it can last you longer, and you can keep enjoying it all year long. Clear the Snow  …

Will Concrete Overlay Last?

Our concrete patios, driveways, and sidewalks take a beating, and if they’re looking worse for wear, a concrete overlay could be the solution. Although concrete is a very durable, tough material, it is also very porous. Over time, exposure to water, freezing, and other harsh conditions can start to break down the surface of the …

The Importance of Waterproof Concrete

Waterproof concrete is a common choice for construction and flooring thanks to its affordable and durable nature.  Virtually every structure built in the U.S. utilizes concrete for the foundation and subfloors. While often covered up inside a home or other structure, it’s still a critical part of the whole. Exterior concrete is more prevalent and …

What is the Best Chemical to Clean Concrete?

One of the very best features of concrete is how durable it can be, but that doesn’t mean you’ll never need to clean it. Concrete can take a beating and, like any other surface, is subject to spills and weathering—so how can you effectively clean it? We’re sharing ways for you to clean and freshen …