If you’re a swimming pool owner, you understand the importance of maintaining the pool and surrounding area. Just like with many things, the joy, entertainment, and relaxation that comes with something fun (like a pool), comes great responsibility! Not only are pool owners required to make sure the water is treated, the pumps are maintained and clean, but the surrounding area, like the pool deck, is in order, too! Concrete is a popular material when it comes to pool deck designs and a great choice. It comes in many colors, it’s incredibly durable and resistant to the elements, and it is slip resistant. But it does require a little bit of maintenance and needs to be cleaned when residue builds up or stains develop. With all that said, however, the cleaning process is a lot simpler than you might think! With just a few things you probably already have at home and a little bit of time, your pool deck will be clean in five easy steps!

Step 1 – Mix Your Concrete Cleaner

Before anything else can be done, you need to make your concrete cleaner. This mixture is easy to make and is very effective. First grab a large, clean bucket. Add a small amount of bleach (start with one cap full. If it’s not potent enough, you can always add more) to the bucket, then fill the rest with warm water. Now, use a mop or scrubbing brush to apply the mixture all over the concrete area. Be sure to avoid plants, flowers, and furniture as bleach can be harmful. If you’re looking for a more eco-friendly alternative cleaner, mix warm water with a mild degreasing dish soap. Start with 10 parts water to 1 part degreasing soap. If you find the solution is too weak, slowly and gradually add more soap into the mixture. If making your own cleaner isn’t something you want to do, don’t worry! You can easily pick up some concrete cleaner at your local hardware or big-box store. Just be sure to read the instructions on diluting it properly; it’s likely concentrated.

Step 2 – Scrub the Pool Deck

Now that your cleaning mixture is applied, it’s time to use your elbow grease and scrub. A hard bristled boom as your scrub brush should work well. It will get rid of dirt, mildew, and grime build up. Give any stubborn stains or deposits a little extra time and elbow grease.

Step 3 – Tough Stains

If you’re finding that your cleaning solution isn’t getting rid of tough stains or deposits, you may need to try a heavier duty cleaner like trisodium phosphate (TSP). Once your TSP is properly diluted, apply it the same way you did your other cleanser. Make sure to take proper precautions when using cleaners like this. Even when you’re outside or in a well-ventilated area, a breathing mask and rubber gloves are necessary.

Step 4 – Rinse Off the Deck

Once you’re happy with the look and cleanliness of your concrete, you’ll need to rinse off your cleaning mixture from the deck. A garden hose with a sprayer attachment or pressure washer will clear away the cleanser, as well as any dirt or grime left behind. Again, remember to avoid flower beds, trees, and other plants, as well as furniture (especially if you’ve used bleach) when rinsing.

Step 5 – Add a Deck Coating

Adding a waterproof deck coating to your pool deck will help prevent future damages, stains, and cleaning it becomes a bit easier and your deck will last and look better longer. Contact Hard Rock Concrete Coatings today to protect and beautify your concrete deck.    

Concrete Coating Services

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